Source code for gillespy2.core.reaction

# GillesPy2 is a modeling toolkit for biochemical simulation.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2024 GillesPy2 developers.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import ast
import uuid

import numpy as np

from gillespy2.core.species import Species
from gillespy2.core.parameter import Parameter
from gillespy2.core.jsonify import Jsonify
from gillespy2.core.sortableobject import SortableObject
from gillespy2.core.gillespyError import ReactionError

[docs]class Reaction(SortableObject, Jsonify): """ Models a single reaction. A reaction has its own dicts of species (reactants and products) and parameters. The reaction's propensity function needs to be evaluable (and result in a non-negative scalar value) in the namespace defined by the union of those dicts. :param name: The name by which the reaction is called (optional). :type name: str :param reactants: The reactants that are consumed in the reaction, with stoichiometry. An example would be {R1 : 1, R2 : 2} if the reaction consumes two of R1 and one of R2, where R1 and R2 are Species objects. :type reactants: dict :param products: The species that are created by the reaction event, with stoichiometry. Same format as reactants. :type products: dict :param propensity_function: The custom propensity function for the reaction. Must be evaluable in the namespace of the reaction using C operations. :type propensity_function: str :param ode_propensity_function: The custom ode propensity function for the reaction. Must be evaluable in the namespace of the reaction using C operations. :type ode_propensity_function: str :param massaction: (deprecated) The switch to use a mass-action reaction. If set to True, a rate value is required. :type massaction: bool :param rate: The rate of the mass-action reaction, take care to note the units. :type rate: float :param annotation: An optional note about the reaction. :type annotation: str Notes ---------- For a species that is NOT consumed in the reaction but is part of a mass action reaction, add it as both a reactant and a product. Mass-action reactions must also have a rate term added. Note that the input rate represents the mass-action constant rate independent of volume. if a name is not provided for reactions, the name will be populated by the model based on the order it was added. This could impact seeded simulation results if the order of addition is not preserved. """ def __init__(self, name=None, reactants=None, products=None, propensity_function=None, ode_propensity_function=None, rate=None, annotation=None, massaction=None): if massaction is not None: from gillespy2.core import log # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel log.warning( """ massaction has been deprecated. Future releases of GillesPy2 may not support this feature. Set propensity_function for massaction=False or rate for massaction=True instead. """ ) if name is None or name == "": name = f'rxn{uuid.uuid4()}'.replace('-', '_') if isinstance(propensity_function, (int, float)): propensity_function = str(propensity_function) if isinstance(ode_propensity_function, (int, float)): ode_propensity_function = str(ode_propensity_function) if isinstance(rate, (int, float)): rate = str(rate) = name self.reactants = {} self.products = {} self.marate = rate self.annotation = annotation self.propensity_function = propensity_function self.ode_propensity_function = ode_propensity_function self.validate(reactants=reactants, products=products) if reactants is not None: for reactant in reactants: rtype = type(reactant).__name__ name = if rtype == 'Species' else reactant if name in self.reactants: self.reactants[name] += reactants[reactant] else: self.reactants[name] = reactants[reactant] if products is not None: for product in products: ptype = type(product).__name__ name = if ptype == 'Species' else product if name in self.products: self.products[name] += products[product] else: self.products[name] = products[product] if self.marate is not None: rtype = type(self.marate).__name__ if rtype == 'Parameter': self.marate = self.massaction = True self.type = "mass-action" self._create_mass_action() else: self.massaction = False self.type = "customized" if self.propensity_function is None: self.propensity_function = self.ode_propensity_function if self.ode_propensity_function is None: self.ode_propensity_function = self.propensity_function propensity = self._create_custom_propensity(self.propensity_function) self.propensity_function = propensity ode_propensity = self._create_custom_propensity(self.ode_propensity_function) self.ode_propensity_function = ode_propensity self.validate(coverage="initialized") def __str__(self): print_string = if len(self.reactants): print_string += '\n\tReactants' for reactant, stoich in self.reactants.items(): try: if isinstance(reactant, str): print_string += '\n\t\t' + reactant + ': ' + str(stoich) else: print_string += '\n\t\t' + + ': ' + str(stoich) except Exception as err: print_string += '\n\t\t' + reactant + ': ' + 'INVALID - ' + str(err) if len(self.products): print_string += '\n\tProducts' for product, stoich in self.products.items(): try: if isinstance(product, str): print_string += '\n\t\t' + product + ': ' + str(stoich) else: print_string += '\n\t\t' + + ': ' + str(stoich) except Exception as err: print_string += '\n\t\t' + product + ': ' + 'INVALID - ' + str(err) print_string += '\n\tPropensity Function: ' + self.propensity_function return print_string class __ExpressionParser(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_BinOp(self, node): ''' Visit binary operator node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' node.left = self.visit(node.left) node.right = self.visit(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, (ast.BitXor, ast.Pow)): # ast.Call calls defined function, args include which nodes # are effected by function call pow_func = ast.parse("pow", mode="eval").body call = ast.Call(func=pow_func, args=[node.left, node.right], keywords=[]) # Copy_location copies lineno and coloffset attributes # from old node to new node. ast.copy_location(new_node,old_node) call = ast.copy_location(call, node) # Return changed node return call # No modification to node, classes extending NodeTransformer methods # Always return node or value return node def visit_Name(self, node): ''' Visit name node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' # Visits Name nodes, if the name nodes "id" value is 'e', replace with numerical constant if == 'e': name_to_constant = ast.copy_location(ast.Num(float(np.e), ctx=node.ctx), node) return name_to_constant return node class __ToString(ast.NodeVisitor): substitutions = { "ln": "log", } def __init__(self): self.string = '' def _string_changer(self, addition): self.string += addition def visit_BinOp(self, node): ''' Visit binary operator node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer('(') self.visit(node.left) self.visit(node.op) self.visit(node.right) self._string_changer(')') def visit_Name(self, node): ''' Visit name name. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer( self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Num(self, node): ''' Visit numerical node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer(str(node.n)) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Call(self, node): ''' Visit function call node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' func_name = self.substitutions.get( \ if in self.substitutions \ else self._string_changer(func_name + '(') counter = 0 for arg in node.args: if counter > 0: self._string_changer(',') self.visit(arg) counter += 1 self._string_changer(')') def visit_Add(self, node): ''' Visit addition node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer('+') self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Div(self, node): ''' Visit division node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer('/') self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Mult(self, node): ''' Visit multiplication node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer('*') self.generic_visit(node) def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): ''' Visit unary operator node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer('(') self.visit_Usub(node) self._string_changer(')') def visit_Sub(self, node): ''' Visit subtraction node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer('-') self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Usub(self, node): ''' Visit unary subtraction node. :param node: AST node object. :type node: ast.Node ''' self._string_changer('-') self.generic_visit(node) def _create_mass_action(self): """ Initializes the mass action propensity function given self.reactants and a single parameter value. """ # We support zeroth, first and second order propensities only. # There is no theoretical justification for higher order propensities. # Users can still create such propensities if they really want to, # but should then use a custom propensity. total_stoch = 0 for reactant in sorted(self.reactants): total_stoch += self.reactants[reactant] if total_stoch > 2: raise ReactionError( """ Reaction: A mass-action reaction cannot involve more than two of one species or one of two species. To declare a custom propensity, replace 'rate' with 'propensity_function'. """ ) # Case EmptySet -> Y if isinstance(self.marate, Parameter) or type(self.marate).__name__ == "Parameter": propensity_function = ode_propensity_function = else: if isinstance(self.marate, (int, float)): self.marate = str(self.marate) propensity_function = self.marate ode_propensity_function = self.marate # There are only three ways to get 'total_stoch==2': for reactant, stoichiometry in self.reactants.items(): if isinstance(reactant, Species) or type(reactant).__name__ == "Species": reactant = # Case 1: 2X -> Y if stoichiometry == 2: propensity_function = f"{propensity_function} * {reactant} * ({reactant} - 1) / vol" ode_propensity_function += f" * {reactant} * {reactant}" else: # Case 3: X1, X2 -> Y; propensity_function += f" * {reactant}" ode_propensity_function += f" * {reactant}" # Set the volume dependency based on order. order = len(self.reactants) if order == 2: propensity_function += " / vol" elif order == 0: propensity_function += " * vol" self.propensity_function = self._create_custom_propensity(propensity_function=propensity_function) self.ode_propensity_function = self._create_custom_propensity(propensity_function=ode_propensity_function) def _create_custom_propensity(self, propensity_function): expr = propensity_function.replace('^', '**') expr = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval') expr = self.__ExpressionParser().visit(expr) new_func = self.__ToString() new_func.visit(expr) return new_func.string def _create_sanitized_reaction(self, n_ndx, species_mappings, parameter_mappings): name = f"R{n_ndx}" reactants = {species_mappings[]: self.reactants[species] for species in self.reactants} products = {species_mappings[]: self.products[species] for species in self.products} propensity_function = self.sanitized_propensity_function(species_mappings, parameter_mappings) return Reaction(name=name, reactants=reactants, products=products, propensity_function=propensity_function)
[docs] def addProduct(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a product to this reaction (deprecated) :param species: Species object to be produced by the reaction :type species: spatialpy.core.species.Species :param stoichiometry: Stoichiometry of this product. :type stoichiometry: int """ from gillespy2.core import log # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel log.warning( """ Reaction.addProduct has been deprecated. Future releases of GillesPy2 may not support this feature. Use Reaction.add_product instead. """ ) self.add_product(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_product(self, species, stoichiometry): """ Add a product to this reaction :param species: Species object to be produced by the reaction :type species: spatialpy.core.species.Species | str :param stoichiometry: Stoichiometry of this product. :type stoichiometry: int """ name = if type(species).__name__ == 'Species' else species try: self.validate(products={name: stoichiometry}, coverage="products") except TypeError as err: raise ReactionError(f"Failed to validate product. Reason given: {err}") from err if name in self.products: self.products[name] += stoichiometry else: self.products[name] = stoichiometry
[docs] def addReactant(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a reactant to this reaction (deprecated) :param species: reactant Species object :type species: spatialpy.core.species.Species :param stoichiometry: Stoichiometry of this participant reactant :type stoichiometry: int """ from gillespy2.core import log # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel log.warning( """ Reaction.addReactant has been deprecated. Future releases of GillesPy2 may not support this feature. Use Reaction.add_reactant instead. """ ) self.add_reactant(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_reactant(self, species, stoichiometry): """ Add a reactant to this reaction :param species: reactant Species object :type species: spatialpy.core.species.Species :param stoichiometry: Stoichiometry of this participant reactant :type stoichiometry: int """ name = if type(species).__name__ == 'Species' else species try: self.validate(reactants={name: stoichiometry}, coverage="reactants") except TypeError as err: raise ReactionError(f"Failed to validate reactant. Reason given: {err}") from err if name in self.reactants: self.reactants[name] += stoichiometry else: self.reactants[name] = stoichiometry if self.massaction and self.type == "mass-action": self._create_mass_action() self.validate(coverage="initialized")
[docs] def Annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add an annotation to this reaction (deprecated). :param annotation: Annotation note to be added to reaction :type annotation: str """ from gillespy2.core import log # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel log.warning( """ Reaction.Annotate has been deprecated. Future releases of GillesPy2 may not support this feature. Use Reaction.set_annotation instead. """ ) self.set_annotation(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create_mass_action(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes the mass action propensity function given self.reactants and a single parameter value. """ from gillespy2.core import log # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel log.warning( """ Reaction.create_mass_action has been deprecated. Future releases of GillesPy2 may not support this feature. """ ) self._create_mass_action(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_object): new = Reaction.__new__(Reaction) new.__dict__ = json_object # Same as in to_dict(), but we need to reverse it back into its original representation. new.products = { x["key"]: x["value"] for x in json_object["products"] } new.reactants = { x["key"]: x["value"] for x in json_object["reactants"] } if new.massaction and new.type == "mass-action" and new.marate is not None: new._create_mass_action() new.validate(coverage="all") return new
[docs] def sanitized_propensity_function(self, species_mappings, parameter_mappings, ode=False): ''' Sanitize the reaction propensity. :param species_mappings: Mapping of species names to sanitized species names. :type species_mappings: dict :param parameter_mappings: Mapping of parameter names to sanitized parameter names. :type parameter_mappings: dict :returns: The sanitized propensity. :rtype: str ''' names = sorted(list(species_mappings.keys()) + list(parameter_mappings.keys()), key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) replacements = [parameter_mappings[name] if name in parameter_mappings else species_mappings[name] for name in names] sanitized_propensity = self.ode_propensity_function if ode else self.propensity_function for i, name in enumerate(names): sanitized_propensity = sanitized_propensity.replace(name, "{" + str(i) + "}") return sanitized_propensity.format(*replacements)
[docs] def set_annotation(self, annotation): """ Add an annotation to this reaction. :param annotation: Annotation note to be added to reaction :type annotation: str """ if annotation is None: raise ReactionError("annotation can't be None type.") self.validate(coverage="annotation", annotation=annotation) self.annotation = annotation
[docs] def set_propensities(self, propensity_function=None, ode_propensity_function=None): """ Change the reaction to a customized reaction and set the propensities. :param propensity_function: The custom propensity function for the reaction. Must be evaluable in the namespace of the reaction using C operations. :type propensity_function: str :param ode_propensity_function: The custom ode propensity function for the reaction. Must be evaluable in the namespace of the reaction using C operations. :type ode_propensity_function: str """ if isinstance(propensity_function, (int, float)): propensity_function = str(propensity_function) if isinstance(ode_propensity_function, (int, float)): ode_propensity_function = str(ode_propensity_function) self.validate( propensity_function=propensity_function, ode_propensity_function=ode_propensity_function, coverage="propensities" ) self.propensity_function = propensity_function self.ode_propensity_function = ode_propensity_function self.marate = None self.massaction = False self.type = "customized" if self.propensity_function is None: self.propensity_function = self.ode_propensity_function if self.ode_propensity_function is None: self.ode_propensity_function = self.propensity_function propensity = self._create_custom_propensity(self.propensity_function) self.propensity_function = propensity ode_propensity = self._create_custom_propensity(self.ode_propensity_function) self.ode_propensity_function = ode_propensity self.validate(coverage="initialized")
[docs] def set_rate(self, rate): """ Change the reaction to a mass-action reaction and set the rate. :param rate: The rate of the mass-action reaction, take care to note the units. :type rate: int | float | str | Parameter """ if rate is None: raise ReactionError("rate can't be None type") if isinstance(rate, Parameter) or type(rate).__name__ == "Parameter": rate = elif isinstance(rate, (int, float)): rate = str(rate) self.validate(marate=rate, coverage="marate") self.marate = rate self.massaction = True self.type = "mass-action" self._create_mass_action() self.validate(coverage="initialized")
[docs] def setType(self, rxntype): """ Sets reaction type to either "mass-action" or "customized" (deprecated) :param rxntype: Either "mass-action" or "customized" :type rxntype: str """ from gillespy2.core import log # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel log.warning( """ Reaction.setType has been deprecated. Future releases of GillesPy2 may not support this feature. Set propensity_function for Reaction.type="customized" or rate for Reaction.type="mass-action" instead. """ ) if rxntype.lower() not in ('mass-action', 'customized'): raise ReactionError("Invalid reaction type.") self.type = rxntype.lower() self.massaction = self.type != 'customized'
[docs] def to_dict(self): temp = vars(self).copy() # This to_dict overload is needed because, while Species is hashable (thanks to its inheretence), # objects are not valid key values in the JSON spec. To fix this, we set the Species equal to some key 'key', # and it's value equal to some key 'value'. temp["products"] = list({ "key": k, "value": v} for k, v in self.products.items() ) temp["reactants"] = list( {"key": k, "value": v} for k, v in self.reactants.items() ) return temp
[docs] def validate(self, reactants=None, products=None, propensity_function=None, ode_propensity_function=None, marate=None, annotation=None, coverage="build"): """ Check if the reaction is properly formatted. Does nothing on sucesss, raises and error on failure. """ if coverage in ("all", "build", "name"): if is None: raise ReactionError("name can't be None type.") if not isinstance(, str): raise ReactionError("name must be of type str.") if == "": raise ReactionError("name can't be an empty string.") if coverage in ("all", "build", "reactants"): if self.reactants is None: raise ReactionError("recants can't be None type.") if reactants is None: reactants = self.reactants if reactants is not None: if not isinstance(reactants, dict): raise ReactionError("reactants must be of type dict.") for species, stoichiometry in reactants.items(): if species is None: raise ReactionError("species in reactants can't be None type.") if not (isinstance(species, (str, Species)) or type(species).__name__ == 'Species'): raise ReactionError("species in reactants must be of type str or GillesPy2.Species.") if species == "": raise ReactionError("species in reactants can't be an empty string.") if stoichiometry is None: raise ReactionError("stoichiometry in reactants can't be None type.") if not isinstance(stoichiometry, int) or stoichiometry <= 0: raise ReactionError("stoichiometry in reactants must greater than 0 and of type int.") if coverage in ("all", "build", "products"): if self.products is None: raise ReactionError("products can't be None type.") if products is None: products = self.products if products is not None: if not isinstance(products, dict): raise ReactionError("products must be of type dict.") for species, stoichiometry in products.items(): if species is None: raise ReactionError("species in products can't be None Type.") if not (isinstance(species, (str, Species)) or type(species).__name__ == 'Species'): raise ReactionError("species in products must be of type str or GillesPy2.Species.") if species == "": raise ReactionError("species in products can't be an empty string.") if stoichiometry is None: raise ReactionError("stoichiometry in products can't be None type.") if not isinstance(stoichiometry, int) or stoichiometry <= 0: raise ReactionError("stoichiometry in products must greater than 0 and of type int.") if coverage in ("all", "build", "propensities"): if propensity_function is None: propensity_function = self.propensity_function if propensity_function is not None: if not isinstance(propensity_function, str): raise ReactionError("propensity_function must be of type str.") if propensity_function == "": raise ReactionError("propensity_function can't be an empty string.") if coverage in ("all", "build", "propensities"): if ode_propensity_function is None: ode_propensity_function = self.ode_propensity_function if ode_propensity_function is not None: if not isinstance(ode_propensity_function, str): raise ReactionError("ode_propensity_function must be of type str.") if ode_propensity_function == "": raise ReactionError("ode_propensity_function can't be an empty string.") if coverage in ("all", "build", "marate"): if marate is None: marate = self.marate if marate is not None: if not (isinstance(marate, (str, Parameter)) or type(marate).__name__ == 'Parameter'): raise ReactionError("rate must be of type str or GillesPy2.Parameter.") if marate == "": raise ReactionError("rate can't be an empty string.") if coverage == "build" and not hasattr(self, "massaction"): has_prop = propensity_function is not None or ode_propensity_function is not None if marate is not None and has_prop: raise ReactionError("You cannot set the rate and simultaneously set propensity functions.") if marate is None and not has_prop: raise ReactionError("You must specify either a mass-action rate or propensity functions.") if coverage in ("all", "build", "annotation"): if annotation is None: annotation = self.annotation if annotation is not None and not isinstance(annotation, str): raise ReactionError("annotation must be of type str.") if coverage in ("all", "initialized"): if len(self.reactants) == 0 and len(self.products) == 0: raise ReactionError("You must have a non-zero number of reactants or products.") if self.propensity_function is None: raise ReactionError("propensity_function can't be None type.") if self.ode_propensity_function is None: raise ReactionError("ode_propensity_function can't be None type.") if self.marate is None: if self.massaction and self.type == "mass-action": raise ReactionError("You must specify either a mass-action rate or propensity functions") if self.massaction or self.type == "mass-action": errmsg = "Invalid customized reaction. Customized reactions require " errmsg += "massaction=False and type='customized'" raise ReactionError(errmsg) else: if not self.massaction and self.type == "customized": raise ReactionError("You cannot set the rate and simultaneously set propensity functions.") if not self.massaction or self.type == "customized": errmsg = "Invalid mass-action reaction. Mass-action reactions require " errmsg += "massaction=True and type='mass-action'" raise ReactionError(errmsg)
[docs] def verify(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Check if the reaction is properly formatted. Does nothing on sucesss, raises and error on failure. """ from gillespy2.core import log # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel log.warning( """ Reaction.verify has been deprecated. Future releases of GillesPy2 may not support this feature. Use Reaction.validate instead. """ ) self.validate(*args, **kwargs)