Source code for gillespy2.core.liveGraphing

# GillesPy2 is a modeling toolkit for biochemical simulation.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2024 GillesPy2 developers.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import sys
import json
import threading

from math import floor

from gillespy2.core.results import common_rgb_values
from gillespy2.core.gillespyError import SimulationError
from gillespy2.core import log

[docs]class CRepeatTimer(threading.Timer): """ Threading timer which repeatedly calls the given function instead of simply ending. Used for C solver live graphing support """ pause = False
[docs] def run(self): _ = str.join('', [*self.args[1]]) while not self.finished.wait(self.interval): args = self.args[0].get() self.function(*args, **self.kwargs) if not self.pause: args = self.args[0].get() self.kwargs['finished'] = True self.function(*args, **self.kwargs)
[docs]class RepeatTimer(threading.Timer): """ Threading timer which repeatedly calls the given function instead of simply ending """ pause = False
[docs] def run(self): _ = str.join('', [*self.args[3]]) self.args = self.args[:3] while not self.finished.wait(self.interval): self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs) if not self.pause: self.kwargs['finished'] = True self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
[docs]def display_types(): ''' Get the list of supported display types. :returns: Supported display types. :rtype: list ''' return ["graph", "text", "progress"]
[docs]def valid_graph_params(live_output_options): ''' Validated the live output options. :param live_output_options: Options to be validated. :type live_output_options: dict :raises SimulationError: If the display type is invalid. ''' if live_output_options['type'] not in ['progress', 'graph', 'text']: raise SimulationError("Invalid input to 'live_output', please check spelling and ensure input is" " lower case.") if 'interval' not in live_output_options: live_output_options['interval'] = 1 elif live_output_options['interval'] < 0: message = f"In LiveGraphing live_output_options, got 'interval' = '{live_output_options['interval']}'." message += " setting interval = 1" log.warning(message) live_output_options['interval'] = 1 if live_output_options['type'] == "graph" and live_output_options['interval'] < 1: message = f"In LiveGraphing live_output_options, got 'interval' = '{live_output_options['interval']}'." message += "Consider using an interval >= 1 when displaying graphs." log.warning(message) if 'clear_output' not in live_output_options: if live_output_options['type'] == "graph" or live_output_options['type'] == "progress": live_output_options['clear_output'] = True else: live_output_options['clear_output'] = False if 'file_path' not in live_output_options: live_output_options['file_path'] = None elif live_output_options['type'] == "graph" and live_output_options['file_path'] is not None: live_output_options['type'] = "figure"
[docs]class LiveDisplayer(): """ holds information required for displaying information when live_output = True """ def __init__(self, model=None, timeline=None, number_of_trajectories=1, live_output_options={}, resume=False): self.display_type = live_output_options['type'] self.display_interval = live_output_options['interval'] self.file_path = live_output_options['file_path'] self.model = model self.resume = resume self.timeline = timeline self.timeline_len = timeline.size self.x_shift = int(timeline[0]) self.number_of_trajectories = number_of_trajectories self.clear_output = live_output_options['clear_output'] species_mappings = model._listOfSpecies self.species = list(species_mappings.keys()) self.number_species = len(self.species) self.current_trajectory = 1 self.header_printed = False
[docs] def trajectory_header(self): ''' Create the trajectory header for the output. ''' return "Trajectory (" + str(self.current_trajectory) + "/" + str(self.number_of_trajectories) + ")"
[docs] def increment_trajectory(self, trajectory_num): ''' Increment the trejectory counter. ''' self.current_trajectory = trajectory_num + 1 self.header_printed = False
[docs] def print_text_header(self, file_obj): ''' Print the header for text display type. :param file_obj: File object to write text output. :type file_obj: file object ''' self.header_printed = True if self.number_of_trajectories > 1: print(self.trajectory_header(), file=file_obj) print("Time |", end="", file=file_obj) for species in self.model.listOfSpecies: print(species[:10].ljust(10), end="|", file=file_obj) print("", file=file_obj)
[docs] def display(self, curr_state, curr_time, trajectory_base, finished=False): ''' Display the output for the live grapher. :param curr_state: Current state of the simulation. Should be a list of len 1 to get reference. :type curr_state: list :param curr_time: Current time of the simulation. Should be a list of len 1 to get reference. :type curr_time: list :param trajectory_base: Current results of the simulation. :type trajectory_base: list :param finished: Indicates whether or not the simulation has finished. :type finished: bool ''' from IPython.display import clear_output # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel curr_time = curr_time[0] curr_state = curr_state[0] # necessary for __f function in hybrid solver if 't' in curr_state: if curr_state['t'] > curr_time: curr_time = curr_state['t'] elif 'time' in curr_state: if curr_state['time'] > curr_time: curr_time = curr_state['time'] if self.file_path is None or self.display_type == "graph": if self.clear_output: clear_output(wait=True) file_obj = sys.stdout else: mode = "w" if self.clear_output else "a" file_obj = open(self.file_path, mode, encoding="utf-8") if self.display_type == "text": if not self.header_printed: self.print_text_header(file_obj) print(str(round(curr_time, 2))[:10].ljust(10), end="|", file=file_obj) for i in range(self.number_species): print(str(curr_state[self.species[i]])[:10].ljust(10), end="|", file=file_obj) print("", file=file_obj) elif finished and self.display_type == "progress": print("progress = 100 %", file=file_obj) elif self.display_type == "progress": if self.number_of_trajectories > 1: print(self.trajectory_header(), file=file_obj) if self.resume is True: print(f"progress = {round(((curr_time-self.x_shift)/self.timeline_len)*100, 2)} %\n", file=file_obj) else: print( f"progress = {round((curr_time / (self.timeline_len + self.x_shift)) * 100, 2) }%\n", file=file_obj ) elif self.display_type == "graph": if finished: return import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel entry_count = floor(curr_time) - self.x_shift plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10)) plt.xlim(right=self.timeline[-1]) plt.xlim(left=self.timeline[0]) plt.title(self.trajectory_header()) for i in range(self.number_species): line_color = common_rgb_values()[(i) % len(common_rgb_values())] plt.plot(trajectory_base[0][:, 0][:entry_count].tolist(), trajectory_base[0][:, i + 1][:entry_count].tolist(), color=line_color, label=self.species[i]) plt.plot([entry_count - 1, curr_time - self.timeline[0]], [trajectory_base[0][:, i + 1][entry_count - 1] , curr_state[self.species[i]]], linewidth=3, color=line_color) plt.legend(loc='upper right') elif self.display_type == "figure": import plotly # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import plotly.graph_objs as go # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel entry_count = floor(curr_time) - self.x_shift trace_list = [] for i, species in enumerate(self.species): line_dict = {"color": common_rgb_values()[(i) % len(common_rgb_values())]} trace_list.append( go.Scatter( x=trajectory_base[0][:, 0][:entry_count].tolist(), y=trajectory_base[0][:, i + 1][:entry_count].tolist(), mode="lines", name=species, line=line_dict, legendgroup=species ) ) layout = go.Layout( showlegend=True, title=self.trajectory_header(), xaxis={"range": [self.timeline[0], self.timeline[-1]]} ) fig = dict(data=trace_list, layout=layout) json.dump(fig, file_obj, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder) if self.file_path is not None and self.display_type != "graph": file_obj.close()