sciope.designs package¶
sciope.designs.factorial_design module¶
Factorial Initial Design
- class sciope.designs.factorial_design.FactorialDesign(levels, xmin, xmax, use_logger=False)[source]¶
Class definition for Factorial design
Properties/variables: * name (FactorialDesign) * levels (the number of levels in the factorial design) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * outlier_column_indices (columns containing outliers) * logger (a logging object to display/save events) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled)
Methods: * generate (returns a delayed object that can generated the desired number of samples)
sciope.designs.initial_design_base module¶
Initial Design Base Class
- class sciope.designs.initial_design_base.InitialDesignBase(name, xmin, xmax, use_logger=False)[source]¶
Base class for initial designs. Must not be used directly! Each initial design type must implement the methods described herein:
Properties/variables: * name (FactorialDesign) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * logger (a logging object to display/save events - set by derived classes) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled)
Methods: * generate (returns the generated samples) * scale_variable (scales a variable from an old domain range to a new domain range) * scale_to_new_domain (scales a matrix from an old domain range to a new domain range)
- abstract generate(n)[source]¶
Sub-classable method for generating ‘n’ points within a given domain. Each derived class must implement.
- static scale_to_new_domain(x, new_min, new_max)[source]¶
Scales a given array/matrix to a new range
- xmultidimensional array/matrix
to operate upon
- new_minvector
the new lower bound of the domain, one element per dimension
- new_maxvector
the new upper bound of the domain, one element per dimension
- matrix
scaled to the new range
- static scale_variable(x, old_min, old_max, new_min, new_max)[source]¶
Scales a dimension from the specified old range to a new range.
- xvector
represents a variable or dimension to operate upon
- old_minvector
the old lower bound of the domain
- old_maxvector
the old upper bound of the domain
- new_minvector
the new lower bound of the domain
- new_maxvector
the new upper bound of the domain
- vector
scaled to the new range
sciope.designs.latin_hypercube_sampling module¶
Latin Hypercube Sampling Initial Design Implemented as a Translational Propagation LHD Implementation follows structure from the original reference below.
Ref: Viana, Felipe AC, Gerhard Venter, and Vladimir Balabanov. “An algorithm for fast optimal Latin hypercube design of experiments.” International journal for numerical methods in engineering 82, no. 2 (2010): 135-156.
- class sciope.designs.latin_hypercube_sampling.LatinHypercube(xmin, xmax, use_logger=False, seed_size=None)[source]¶
Translational Propagation Latin Hypercube Sampling
Properties/variables: * name (LatinHypercube) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * logger (a logging object to display/save events - set by derived classes) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled) * seed_size (number of points in the LHS seed design)
Methods: * generate (returns the generated samples)
- draw(n_samples, n=50, chunk_size=1, auto_redesign=True)[source]¶
Draw specified number of points from a generated LHD
- n_samplesinteger
- n: integer
- auto_redesignboolean
- generate¶
sciope.designs.random_sampling module¶
Random Sampling Initial Design
- class sciope.designs.random_sampling.RandomSampling(xmin, xmax, use_logger=False)[source]¶
Random Sampling implemented through gpflowopt
Properties/variables: * name (RandomSampling) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * logger (a logging object to display/save events - set by derived classes) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled)
Methods: * generate (returns the generated samples)
- generate¶