sciope.designs package


sciope.designs.factorial_design module

Factorial Initial Design

class sciope.designs.factorial_design.FactorialDesign(levels, xmin, xmax, use_logger=False)[source]

Bases: sciope.designs.initial_design_base.InitialDesignBase

Class definition for Factorial design

Properties/variables: * name (FactorialDesign) * levels (the number of levels in the factorial design) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * outlier_column_indices (columns containing outliers) * logger (a logging object to display/save events) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled)

Methods: * generate (returns a delayed object that can generated the desired number of samples)

draw(n_samples, chunk_size=1, auto_redesign=True)[source]

Draw specified number of points from a generated LHD



n: integer






Sub-classable method for generating a factorial design of specified ‘levels’ in the given domain. The number of generated points is levels^d.


sciope.designs.initial_design_base module

Initial Design Base Class

class sciope.designs.initial_design_base.InitialDesignBase(name, xmin, xmax, use_logger=False)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for initial designs. Must not be used directly! Each initial design type must implement the methods described herein:

Properties/variables: * name (FactorialDesign) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * logger (a logging object to display/save events - set by derived classes) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled)

Methods: * generate (returns the generated samples) * scale_variable (scales a variable from an old domain range to a new domain range) * scale_to_new_domain (scales a matrix from an old domain range to a new domain range)

abstract generate(n)[source]

Sub-classable method for generating ‘n’ points within a given domain. Each derived class must implement.

static scale_to_new_domain(x, new_min, new_max)[source]

Scales a given array/matrix to a new range

xmultidimensional array/matrix

to operate upon


the new lower bound of the domain, one element per dimension


the new upper bound of the domain, one element per dimension


scaled to the new range

static scale_variable(x, old_min, old_max, new_min, new_max)[source]

Scales a dimension from the specified old range to a new range.


represents a variable or dimension to operate upon


the old lower bound of the domain


the old upper bound of the domain


the new lower bound of the domain


the new upper bound of the domain


scaled to the new range

sciope.designs.latin_hypercube_sampling module

Latin Hypercube Sampling Initial Design Implemented as a Translational Propagation LHD Implementation follows structure from the original reference below.

Ref: Viana, Felipe AC, Gerhard Venter, and Vladimir Balabanov. “An algorithm for fast optimal Latin hypercube design of experiments.” International journal for numerical methods in engineering 82, no. 2 (2010): 135-156.

class sciope.designs.latin_hypercube_sampling.LatinHypercube(xmin, xmax, use_logger=False, seed_size=None)[source]

Bases: sciope.designs.initial_design_base.InitialDesignBase

Translational Propagation Latin Hypercube Sampling

Properties/variables: * name (LatinHypercube) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * logger (a logging object to display/save events - set by derived classes) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled) * seed_size (number of points in the LHS seed design)

Methods: * generate (returns the generated samples)

draw(n_samples, n=50, chunk_size=1, auto_redesign=True)[source]

Draw specified number of points from a generated LHD



n: integer





generate_array(n, chunk_size=('auto', 'auto'))[source]

Generate a partial design of specified points

n: integer

# of desired points


sciope.designs.random_sampling module

Random Sampling Initial Design

class sciope.designs.random_sampling.RandomSampling(xmin, xmax, use_logger=False)[source]

Bases: sciope.designs.initial_design_base.InitialDesignBase

Random Sampling implemented through gpflowopt

Properties/variables: * name (RandomSampling) * xmin (lower bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * xmax (upper bound of multi-dimensional space encompassing generated points) * logger (a logging object to display/save events - set by derived classes) * use_logger (a boolean variable controlling whether logging is enabled or disabled)

Methods: * generate (returns the generated samples)


Module contents