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Scalable inference, optimization and parameter exploration (sciope) is a Python 3 package for performing machine learning-assisted likelihood-free inference and model exploration by large-scale parameter sweeps. It has been designed to simplify the data-driven workflows so that users quickly can test and develop new machine learning-assisted approaches to likelihood-free inference and model exploration.

Salient features and contributions of Sciope include:


  • Parallel implementation of likelihood-free inference via approximate Bayesian computation (ABC).

  • Built-in large-scale summary statistic, or feature extraction.

  • Support for generating statistical designs including random sampling, factorial design and latin hypercube sampling.

  • Support for training fast data-driven surrogate models of computationally expensive simulations, or observed datasets.

  • Sequential space-filling sampling with the maximin criterion.

  • Visualization plugin for model exploration in Jupyter notebooks.

  • Parallel backend using Dask


  • A novel, scalable reinforcement learning based summary statistic selection framework that allows the user to obtain a ranking of top $m$ summary statistics from a pool of $n$ candidates.

  • A semi-supervised scalable human-in-the-loop model exploration methodology.

Stochastic Gene Regulatory Networks

Sciope has been designed for (but is not limited to) Stochastic Gene Regulatory Networks (GRN). Sciope has built-in support and wrappers for Gillespy2 and is part of the development of next-generation StochSS.

Likelihood-free inference

In model inference the task is to fit model parameters to observed experimental data. A popular approach for parameter inference in systems biology is Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). ABC inference requires substantial hyperparameter tuning (such as choosing the prior, tuning acceptance thresholds and distance metrics). ABC can become prohibitively slow for high-dimensional problems and it is of utmost importance to select informative summary statistics.

Model exploration

In model parameter space exploration the modeller’s objective is to use the simulator to screen for different qualitative behaviours displayed by the model under large variations in parameters. Model exploration is often the first step in understanding a system, and applies also when no experimental data is available.

Scales from laptops to clusters

The sheer computational cost associated with simulation and feature extraction for complex high-dimensional and stochastic models becomes a bottle-neck both for end-users and method developers. For this reason, Sciope is built with a Dask backend to support massive parallelism on platforms from laptops to clouds.


You can install Sciope with pip, or by installing from source.


This will install both Sciope and other dependencies like NumPy, sklearn, and so on that are necessary:

pip install sciope

Install from Source

To install Sciope from source, clone the repository from github:

git clone
cd sciope
pip install .

Or do a developer install by using the -e flag:

pip install -e .


Model Exploration of a Genetic Toggleswitch

Here we will implement the stochastic genetic toggleswitch model (Gardner et al. Nature 1999) using GillesPy2 and use it to explore the qualitative output by varying the input parameter space. To be able to visualize and interact with the simulated output we need to use an interacitve backend in jupyter notebooks.

%matplotlib notebook
 # Interactive backend required for model exploration
 import gillespy2
 from gillespy2.solvers.numpy import NumPySSASolver
 import numpy as np

Setting up the model using Gillespy2

class ToggleSwitch(gillespy2.Model):
    """ Gardner et al. Nature (1999)
    'Construction of a genetic toggle switch in Escherichia coli'
    def __init__(self, parameter_values=None):
        # Initialize the model.
        gillespy2.Model.__init__(self, name="toggle_switch")
        # Parameters
        alpha1 = gillespy2.Parameter(name='alpha1', expression=1)
        alpha2 = gillespy2.Parameter(name='alpha2', expression=1)
        beta = gillespy2.Parameter(name='beta', expression="2.0")
        gamma = gillespy2.Parameter(name='gamma', expression="2.0")
        mu = gillespy2.Parameter(name='mu', expression=1.0)
        self.add_parameter([alpha1, alpha2, beta, gamma, mu])

        # Species
        U = gillespy2.Species(name='U', initial_value=10)
        V = gillespy2.Species(name='V', initial_value=10)
        self.add_species([U, V])

        # Reactions
        cu = gillespy2.Reaction(name="r1",reactants={}, products={U:1},
        cv = gillespy2.Reaction(name="r2",reactants={}, products={V:1},
        du = gillespy2.Reaction(name="r3",reactants={U:1}, products={},
        dv = gillespy2.Reaction(name="r4",reactants={V:1}, products={},

toggle_model = ToggleSwitch()

Use Sciope’s Gillespy2 wrapper to extract simulator and parameters

from sciope.utilities.gillespy2 import wrapper

settings = {"solver": NumPySSASolver, "number_of_trajectories":10, "show_labels":True}
simulator = wrapper.get_simulator(gillespy_model=toggle_model, run_settings=settings, species_of_interest=["U", "V"])

expression_array = wrapper.get_parameter_expression_array(toggle_model)

Use Latin Hypercube design to generate points which will be sampled from during exploration, the points will be generated using distributed resources if we have a Dask client initialized (in this example just a local cluster). Generated points will be persisted over the worker nodes (i.e no local memory would be used in case of a real cluster). Random points from the persisted collection can be gathered by calling lhc.draw(n_samples) Here, we will also use TSFRESH minimal feature set as our summary statistics.

from dask.distributed import Client
from sciope.designs import latin_hypercube_sampling
from sciope.utilities.summarystats.auto_tsfresh import SummariesTSFRESH

c = Client()

lhc = latin_hypercube_sampling.LatinHypercube(xmin=expression_array, xmax=expression_array*3)
#generate points that we will randomly sample from during the exploration

#will use default minimal set of features
summary_stats = SummariesTSFRESH()

Start Model exploration with StochMET

from sciope.stochmet.stochmet import StochMET
met = StochMET(simulator, lhc, summary_stats)

Run a parameter sweep of 500 points

met.compute(n_points=500, chunk_size=10)

Here we will explore parameter points expressed in feature space (summary statistics) using a dimension reduction method. The User can interact with points and label points according to different model behavior.

Note: The explore function make use of interactive tools such as ipywidgets, it is therefore required that you run in a jupyter notebook with an interactive backend (see the first code cell of this example)

# Here we use UMAP for dimension reduction
sciope met gif

Once at least a few points have been assigned a label, Sciope has support for semi-supervised learning using label propagation where we can infer the labels of unassigned points. This is a great way of filtering the vast amount of data according qualitative behaviour and preferences.

from sciope.models.label_propagation import LPModel
#here lets use the dimension reduction embedding as input data
data = met.dr_model.embedding_

model_lp = LPModel()
#train using basinhopping
model_lp.train(data,, min_=0.01, max_=10, niter=50)

Parameter Inference of a Genetic Toggleswitch

This example illustrates the workflow for performing ABC parameter inference of the genetic ToggleSwitch model described above. We start by importing the required modules.

from sciope.utilities.priors import uniform_prior
from sciope.inference.abc_inference import ABC
from sciope.utilities.distancefunctions import naive_squared
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error

We define a search space characterised by the prior function as below. For the purpose of exposition, the prior is defined around the true parameter vector.

toggle_model = ToggleSwitch()
true_param = np.array(list(toggle_model.listOfParameters.items()))[:,1]

# Use true theta as the reference
bound = []
for exp in true_param:

# Set the bounds
bound = np.array(bound)
dmin = bound * 0.1
dmax = bound * 2.0

# Here we use a uniform prior
uni_prior = uniform_prior.UniformPrior(dmin, dmax)

Next, we generate the observed dataset by simulating the true parameter point.

# Generate some fixed(observed) data based on default parameters of model
fixed_data =, number_of_trajectories=100, show_labels=False)

# Reshape data to (n_points,n_species,n_timepoints)
fixed_data = np.asarray([x.T for x in fixed_data])

# and remove timepoints array
fixed_data = fixed_data[:,1:, :]

We are now ready to define the building blocks of the parameter inference pipeline. We instantiate the summary statistics to use, the distance function and finally the ABC object.

# Function to generate summary statistics
summ_func = SummariesTSFRESH()

# Distance
ns = naive_squared.NaiveSquaredDistance()

# Setup abc instance
abc = ABC(fixed_data, sim=simulator, prior_function=uni_prior, summaries_function=summ_func.compute, distance_function=ns)

Initialise and run ABC.

# First compute the fixed (observed) mean

# Run in multiprocessing mode
res = abc.infer(num_samples=100, batch_size=10, chunk_size=2)

Evaluate parameter inference quality.

mae_inference = mean_absolute_error(true_param, abc.results['inferred_parameters'])
print('Mean absolute error in parameter inference = {}'.format(mae_inference))

Indices and tables